Yeahh I know, biasa amek masa almost berbulan-bulan baru aku menulis balik. But, today, I feel kind of harus and harus menulis. Tauu tak? Harini, something happend which it really shocking me. Today is the last day for him. Him, who is one of my best friends here. Even kenal hanya untuk 2 semester lebih, but sebenarnya banyak yang aku dah pelajari daripada dia. A good friend is the one who can be with you when you're in a good or bad situation. A good friend also are the one who give his/her best for you even that would make your friendship with him/her became worst. And a good friend is the one who always sharing and advising his/her friend to a better way. And that's him. Lots of word to say. But I think it will be better if I do said that to him by myself. And what can I say, may Allah bless your life, bro. Semoga selamat dunia akhirat. Jazakallahu Khairan Khatira :) Sekian...
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
His last day...
Assalamualaikum dear bloggers,
Yeahh I know, biasa amek masa almost berbulan-bulan baru aku menulis balik. But, today, I feel kind of harus and harus menulis. Tauu tak? Harini, something happend which it really shocking me. Today is the last day for him. Him, who is one of my best friends here. Even kenal hanya untuk 2 semester lebih, but sebenarnya banyak yang aku dah pelajari daripada dia. A good friend is the one who can be with you when you're in a good or bad situation. A good friend also are the one who give his/her best for you even that would make your friendship with him/her became worst. And a good friend is the one who always sharing and advising his/her friend to a better way. And that's him. Lots of word to say. But I think it will be better if I do said that to him by myself. And what can I say, may Allah bless your life, bro. Semoga selamat dunia akhirat. Jazakallahu Khairan Khatira :) Sekian...
Yeahh I know, biasa amek masa almost berbulan-bulan baru aku menulis balik. But, today, I feel kind of harus and harus menulis. Tauu tak? Harini, something happend which it really shocking me. Today is the last day for him. Him, who is one of my best friends here. Even kenal hanya untuk 2 semester lebih, but sebenarnya banyak yang aku dah pelajari daripada dia. A good friend is the one who can be with you when you're in a good or bad situation. A good friend also are the one who give his/her best for you even that would make your friendship with him/her became worst. And a good friend is the one who always sharing and advising his/her friend to a better way. And that's him. Lots of word to say. But I think it will be better if I do said that to him by myself. And what can I say, may Allah bless your life, bro. Semoga selamat dunia akhirat. Jazakallahu Khairan Khatira :) Sekian...
Sunday, March 17, 2013
2013, please be nice to me, ehekkk
Assalamualaikum dear bloggers and morning.
It is 2013 now *Bunga api berkumandang* Cepat sangat masa berlalu. Kadang-kadang sampai tak sedar pon. Semester 4 dah nak abes. And kalau muhasabah diri balik, there is not too much nice things yang patut dibanggakan for these semester. But nevermind. I'll try more harder. To be a better person, InsyaAllah. One whole semester without my lovey lappy. Agak foreveralone di situ, tapi it's okaay. Hidup jee lagi ni haa. Tehee. By the way, these semester will be my last semester with my current housemate. Why it is that so? Herm herm. Dorang decide untuk pecah bilik, what did I mean is, dorang kiranyaa nak satu bilik dengan members dorang next semester. And what would be my opinion? Kayyfinee. It will be okaay though. Kalau itu yang boleh buat dorang happy and selesa. Who am I nak halang kan? Status tertinggi pon tak dipegang untuk berkuasa menghalang keputusan dorang. These semester quite exciting story. Dengan perpindahan zaty, more harder with the subject, I'm quitting my lovey dovey club activities lil' slowly, kak syifaa and the others senior punya last semester, I met 'HIM', jumpaa more juniors and what can I say, tak tertulis laaa. Pengalaman mendidik kita, I've read that somewhere, and you know what, that is superbly awesome true. Tanpa pengalaman, siapalah kita. Well, to be exact, tipu laa kalau aku cakap those that happend to me tak pernah buat aku nanges. Aku manusiaa weyy, manusia. Bukan ikan, dan bukan kambing. Okaay melalut dah. Ehemm. Manusia mana yang takde perasaan, well, kalau korang ade jumpa, pleaseee bagitau aku. Aku nak menuntut daripada dia. Penat kot dok simpan, layan perasaan yang seriously kadang-kadang makes me lil' annoying. Adehhdehh. Yelaaa, kot iye nak rasa sentapp memanjang, sape tak penat kan. Okaay, off the topic. Nak jadi citer, sekarang dah boleh pilih major untuk semester depan. For my electrical and electronic engineering studies, fuhhhh, kemain panjang namanya, well, kitorang dapat another 3 choices untuk dipilih dijadikan major, which is pure electronic, communication and computer(programming). All those berkait rapat with my electrical buzz buzzz. And my choice would be computer. Bukan tanak amek pure. Jujur aku cakap aku mampu nak amek and struggle for pure. But you know what, aku belom ready untuk serabutkan kepala aku dengan those messy calculation and circuit walaupun itu one of my passions dalam bidang electrical engineering nii. Aku pilih computer because aku tauu, even macam mana aku malas pon, I would not give up for my programming sebab camne nak cakap, contoh laa kan, kau tengok someone which terror terry giler buat programming and hacking, and suddenly, kau rasa passion towards those two mencanak naik yang awesome. Okaay ayat aku serabut, kayy takpe. Toksah nak kalut paham sangat. Baca pelan-pelan. And you'll be understand it. Comm? Well, aku takde laa active sangat those club activities even aku rasa mak abah dah start cakap pasal kurangkan club activities. And aku sekarang bukan macam kat teknik dulu, yang ade terlampau banyak sangat masa untuk dihabiskan dengan hanya menilik dan focus pada buku sejarah sampai boleh score excellent giler dalam SPM. Okaay, itu drama, sangat drama. Herm, by the way, sambung balik, kehidupan kat Uni dengan sekolah, amazingly laen. Even macam mana aku try nak abeskan masa untuk study menghafal pasal comm ni pon, seriously, denn tak bulehh, macam korang bukak buku, and suddenly blank. Haishh. So, lepas berbincang dengan abah and abang, aku still go on dengan computer(programming). Hope that will be a correct decision for me, InsyaAllah. Tak sabar pulak nak tunggu semester depan. Kemainn nak tunggu semm depan, padahal final exam lagi duaa minggu, tapi tak rasa cuakk nak study bagai. Alahaii. Herm, today will be the day for the last event for ikramies for these semester. Aku nak ikut, tapi, haii entahlaa. Somehow, takde rasa excited nak pegi. Mengapakah?? Maybe sebab orang-orang yang selalu buat aku tersenyumm takde kott. Okaay aku just cakap maybe. Bukannyaa betul pon. Jangan sentap kayy. Korang pon ade buat aku senyum jugak. Cuma those people, lebih melebih lagi 'effect'nyaa. Hailaa hailaa. Kalau Cikgu Asnah tengok ayat BM aku sekarang nii, mau aku kene pusing satu UiTM nii nak dekat sepuluh kali. Haa hahaha, again, drama queen laa syerahh. And pasal si 'janggut ciput'?? Okaay, that is another name yang aku tak pernah sebut. But whatever it is, I thought it will be an old story. Memang aku dah tak involve laa dengan those couple things after penghijrahan. But, seriously, antara aku dengan diaa. Lets the time decide. Kalau ade jodoh, adelahh. It's too much too think. Paling tidak, aku suruh jee abah ngan mak pilihkan. All these while pon, memang aku would be forever anak manja mak dan abah. And I even do love their choices for my cloths and baju kurung. It is soo nice to live as one of daughters of mak and abah. Eventhough, for that 'janggut ciput', jujur, perasaan yang pernah ade untuk diaa hadir tanpa sebab. I can't think the reasons. Soo, just like what I say. Aku lepaskan semuanyaa. Lets Allah decide what is the best man for me. Not what I think the best for me. Sebab kita manusia, selalu pikir ikut emosi. Rightiooo? Sila mengaku okaay. Hahaha. By the way, hope I can do well in my final examination, Aaaminnn. And seriously, can't wait to balik rumah, superbly rindu kat mak abah and kaknor adik semuaaa. Dengan my would-to-be lappy(Hahaa) and many moree. Will write more about my life, very soon. Sekian, Assalamualaikum :)
It is 2013 now *Bunga api berkumandang* Cepat sangat masa berlalu. Kadang-kadang sampai tak sedar pon. Semester 4 dah nak abes. And kalau muhasabah diri balik, there is not too much nice things yang patut dibanggakan for these semester. But nevermind. I'll try more harder. To be a better person, InsyaAllah. One whole semester without my lovey lappy. Agak foreveralone di situ, tapi it's okaay. Hidup jee lagi ni haa. Tehee. By the way, these semester will be my last semester with my current housemate. Why it is that so? Herm herm. Dorang decide untuk pecah bilik, what did I mean is, dorang kiranyaa nak satu bilik dengan members dorang next semester. And what would be my opinion? Kayyfinee. It will be okaay though. Kalau itu yang boleh buat dorang happy and selesa. Who am I nak halang kan? Status tertinggi pon tak dipegang untuk berkuasa menghalang keputusan dorang. These semester quite exciting story. Dengan perpindahan zaty, more harder with the subject, I'm quitting my lovey dovey club activities lil' slowly, kak syifaa and the others senior punya last semester, I met 'HIM', jumpaa more juniors and what can I say, tak tertulis laaa. Pengalaman mendidik kita, I've read that somewhere, and you know what, that is superbly awesome true. Tanpa pengalaman, siapalah kita. Well, to be exact, tipu laa kalau aku cakap those that happend to me tak pernah buat aku nanges. Aku manusiaa weyy, manusia. Bukan ikan, dan bukan kambing. Okaay melalut dah. Ehemm. Manusia mana yang takde perasaan, well, kalau korang ade jumpa, pleaseee bagitau aku. Aku nak menuntut daripada dia. Penat kot dok simpan, layan perasaan yang seriously kadang-kadang makes me lil' annoying. Adehhdehh. Yelaaa, kot iye nak rasa sentapp memanjang, sape tak penat kan. Okaay, off the topic. Nak jadi citer, sekarang dah boleh pilih major untuk semester depan. For my electrical and electronic engineering studies, fuhhhh, kemain panjang namanya, well, kitorang dapat another 3 choices untuk dipilih dijadikan major, which is pure electronic, communication and computer(programming). All those berkait rapat with my electrical buzz buzzz. And my choice would be computer. Bukan tanak amek pure. Jujur aku cakap aku mampu nak amek and struggle for pure. But you know what, aku belom ready untuk serabutkan kepala aku dengan those messy calculation and circuit walaupun itu one of my passions dalam bidang electrical engineering nii. Aku pilih computer because aku tauu, even macam mana aku malas pon, I would not give up for my programming sebab camne nak cakap, contoh laa kan, kau tengok someone which terror terry giler buat programming and hacking, and suddenly, kau rasa passion towards those two mencanak naik yang awesome. Okaay ayat aku serabut, kayy takpe. Toksah nak kalut paham sangat. Baca pelan-pelan. And you'll be understand it. Comm? Well, aku takde laa active sangat those club activities even aku rasa mak abah dah start cakap pasal kurangkan club activities. And aku sekarang bukan macam kat teknik dulu, yang ade terlampau banyak sangat masa untuk dihabiskan dengan hanya menilik dan focus pada buku sejarah sampai boleh score excellent giler dalam SPM. Okaay, itu drama, sangat drama. Herm, by the way, sambung balik, kehidupan kat Uni dengan sekolah, amazingly laen. Even macam mana aku try nak abeskan masa untuk study menghafal pasal comm ni pon, seriously, denn tak bulehh, macam korang bukak buku, and suddenly blank. Haishh. So, lepas berbincang dengan abah and abang, aku still go on dengan computer(programming). Hope that will be a correct decision for me, InsyaAllah. Tak sabar pulak nak tunggu semester depan. Kemainn nak tunggu semm depan, padahal final exam lagi duaa minggu, tapi tak rasa cuakk nak study bagai. Alahaii. Herm, today will be the day for the last event for ikramies for these semester. Aku nak ikut, tapi, haii entahlaa. Somehow, takde rasa excited nak pegi. Mengapakah?? Maybe sebab orang-orang yang selalu buat aku tersenyumm takde kott. Okaay aku just cakap maybe. Bukannyaa betul pon. Jangan sentap kayy. Korang pon ade buat aku senyum jugak. Cuma those people, lebih melebih lagi 'effect'nyaa. Hailaa hailaa. Kalau Cikgu Asnah tengok ayat BM aku sekarang nii, mau aku kene pusing satu UiTM nii nak dekat sepuluh kali. Haa hahaha, again, drama queen laa syerahh. And pasal si 'janggut ciput'?? Okaay, that is another name yang aku tak pernah sebut. But whatever it is, I thought it will be an old story. Memang aku dah tak involve laa dengan those couple things after penghijrahan. But, seriously, antara aku dengan diaa. Lets the time decide. Kalau ade jodoh, adelahh. It's too much too think. Paling tidak, aku suruh jee abah ngan mak pilihkan. All these while pon, memang aku would be forever anak manja mak dan abah. And I even do love their choices for my cloths and baju kurung. It is soo nice to live as one of daughters of mak and abah. Eventhough, for that 'janggut ciput', jujur, perasaan yang pernah ade untuk diaa hadir tanpa sebab. I can't think the reasons. Soo, just like what I say. Aku lepaskan semuanyaa. Lets Allah decide what is the best man for me. Not what I think the best for me. Sebab kita manusia, selalu pikir ikut emosi. Rightiooo? Sila mengaku okaay. Hahaha. By the way, hope I can do well in my final examination, Aaaminnn. And seriously, can't wait to balik rumah, superbly rindu kat mak abah and kaknor adik semuaaa. Dengan my would-to-be lappy(Hahaa) and many moree. Will write more about my life, very soon. Sekian, Assalamualaikum :)
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